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Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Rwenzori Mountains National Park gets its name from a mountain called Rwenzori, also known as the Mountains of the Moon. It’s the highest mountain in Uganda and the third highest in Africa. This mountain has glaciers, waterfalls, and lakes. The national park is in southwestern Uganda on the east side of the Western Rift Valley in Bundibugyo District.

It’s a block mountain formed by the Rift Valley. The Rwenzori Mountains are the highest mountain range in Africa, with six glacial peaks: Mount Stanley, Mount Speke, Mount Emin Pasha, Mount Gessi, Mount Luigi da Savoia, and Mount Baker. This makes trekking and safaris in Uganda unforgettable for mountain hikers worldwide.

Wildlife in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

The park has lots of animals. There are 70 kinds of mammals and over 177 types of birds. Some of the mammals are Elephants, Giant forest hogs, Ruwenzori otters, Duikers, Bushbucks, and Leopards. These Leopards are hard to find. There are also monkeys like Blue monkeys, Angola colobus monkeys, Black and white colobus monkeys, and Chimpanzees. One of the coolest animals there is the three-horned chameleon.

The park is also a home for over 177 types of birds, most of them live in the forest area. Some of these birds are Rwenzori Turacos, Long-eared owls, Archers’ Robin-chats, Lagden’s Bush-shrikes, Blue-headed and golden-winged sunbirds, White-starred robins, Slender-billed Starlings, and Cinnamon chested Bee-eaters.

Rwenzori Mountains National Park indeed offers a plethora of activities for adventurers and nature lovers alike. Here’s a concise summary of things to do, accommodations available, and how to get there:

Activities in Rwenzori Mountains National Park:

  1. Mountain Hiking: Embark on a challenging yet rewarding journey to the highest peak, Margherita. This typically spans seven days and six nights, offering glimpses of diverse wildlife along the way.
  2. Bird Watching: Explore the rich birdlife attracted by varied vegetation, with highlights including the Rwenzori Turaco and long-bearded owl.
  3. Community Interaction: Engage with the local Bakonzo community at Ruboni, observing their daily life, traditions, and enjoying cultural performances.
  4. Nature Walks: Explore the trails to Lake Mahooma and Buraro chimp forest, keeping an eye out for unique species like the three-horned chameleon and various mammals.

How to Rwenzori Mountains National Park

  1. Road Trip: A 6-hour journey via Fort Portal from Kampala offers scenic views and access to the park.
  2. Flight: For a quicker option, fly from Entebbe airport to Kasese airfield, reducing travel time to about 2 hours.

In conclusion, Rwenzori Mountains National Park promises an unforgettable adventure amidst breathtaking landscapes and vibrant local culture. Whether scaling peaks or immersing in community life, it’s an experience that embodies the essence of nature at its finest.

May 15, 2024
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Rwenzori Mountains National Park

The Rwenzori mountains have got over 2 types of hiking experiences and these include; the high altitude and low altitude. The high-altitude trekking can take you over 4 to 12 days to hike to the summit and most of the times, it goes beyond 4000meters reaching to the peak
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